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Audience REACH


High Impact Story Format


Send NewsDriver your source content and presto, it's transformed into a story your audience wants to read. 


NewsDriver then handcrafts promoted content on premium premium social networks and websites to maximize engagement and insights.


Identify your Audience


Tell us who you want to reach.


Filter by industry, influencers, geo-targeting, job titles and other professional markers, age and other demographic markers, household income, past purchase behavior, keywords, hashtags, editorial and media targeting, and much more.




Reach the exact audience and ensure the right readership every time. NewsDriver creates custom audiences on social networks and via programatic targeting to maximize your KPI performance. Targeted audiences engage with your content on the personal newsfeeds and the websites they visit every day. 






Track every interaction in real-time with access  to campaign dashboards. Understand how your story is meeting goals. 


Rinse & Repeat


Your brand content is a key part of your communications strategy. Maximize the reach and impact by delivering it to your target audiences every time. 

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